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Harry S Truman Fiftieth Election Anniversary 1948-1998
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Election Day

At Independence, minutes later, every bell, whistle, siren, and automobile horn seemed to go off at once. It had never occurred to anyone in town to plan a victory celebration, but now Mayor Roger Sermon quickly declared a holiday. Schools were let out and at day's end in a roaring spontaneous outpouring of pride and goodwill, forty thousand people jammed the Square to see and honor the victorious native son. Speaking from a small podium, visibly touched by what was the biggest crowd in the history of the town, with his courthouse behind him, Truman called it a celebration not for him but for the country. (McCullough, David. Truman. Simon & Schuster: New York, 1992. Page 710)

a photo of Truman in front of courthouse on election night

Truman addressing crowd in front of courthouse on election night

another photo of Truman in front of courthouse on election night