For immediate release:                  January 11, 2021

Contact:                                           Maura Browning, Communications Director

                                                         (573) 526-0949

Ashcroft Sworn In for Second Term as Missouri Secretary of State 

Jefferson City, Mo. — After a Nov. 3, 2020, election that resulted in Secretary of State John R. (Jay) Ashcroft receiving the most votes of any state or federal official, Ashcroft took his second oath of office on the Missouri Capitol steps today in front of family, friends and supporters. 

“It is a privilege to be elected to another term as Missouri Secretary of State,” Ashcroft said. “My office excelled through a turbulent, unprecedented time. We never closed during the pandemic. We had staff working every day for the people of Missouri, and I am proud to know we never took a day off from serving the people of this great state.” 

Ashcroft’s wife Katherine was in attendance at the Inauguration, as were several members of his family including his father, former Governor, U.S. Senator and U.S. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft and mother Janet Ashcroft.

The stack of Bibles was noteworthy. Not only did Ashcroft include his own personal Bible and the personal Bible of his father, the group of Bibles also included Bibles for his children – a tradition he carries on from his father.


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