Tips for Right Now 

It's Time to Wake Up!

Talk and Read 

Talk to your child as you wake him or her up. Let your little one know what the day has in store.


It's Meal Time!

Tell Stories

Make up a story or have your child tell you a story while eating a healthy breakfast. 

Have your child tell you how his or her day is so far, or you could make up a story about the snack he or she is eating.

Sing and Rhyme

Sing a favorite nursery rhyme while your child is having lunch. 

Play with Letters

Talk to your child about different foods, showing the packages they came in and pointing out familiar letters.


It's Playtime! 

Play with Letters 

Playing with blocks or any other toys with letters is great to do for morning playtime.

Talk and Read 

Afternoon playtime is the perfect time to go outside and talk about what your child sees. 


It's Bath Time! 

Love Books 

Bath books are great to get children to love books. Not only can you read to them, but they can play with them too! 


It's Time for Bed! 

Love Books 

Reading a story can be a great way to lull your child to sleep. 

Sing and Rhyme 

Singing a lullaby is always a good way to fall asleep.