Records Management:: Microfilming:: Microfilm request Form Instructions

Microfilm Request Form Instructions

After creating boxes in the SMART system an agency will need to fill in the Microfilm Request Form and submit it to the Division of Records Management when they send their records to be filmed. This form allows the Imaging staff to optimize the amount of information that is placed on a single roll of film, which in turns helps to keep the agency’s storage needs at a minimum.

This form does not take the place of an index, which should still be submitted with the boxes that are to be filmed.

These instructions will assist in completing the Microfilm Request form. All fields with the exception of the instructions field are required.

  • The From Field: enter the entire agency name as well as the physical address.
  • The Contact Name Field: enter the name of the person responsible for preparing the records to be microfilmed.
  • The Phone/fax and E-mail field: enter the name of the contact person.
  • The MFD and RTA fields:  if your agency would like the boxes of paper records returned after the filming process please make sure to check the RTA (Return to Agency) selection at the top of the page. Otherwise all paper copies of the records will be destroyed 90 days after the microfilm has been sent to the agency.
  • The Special Instructions field:  this field is available for any extra directions the agency has for the Imaging Division, (this is not a required field).
  • The Record Series Number field:  enter only one record series number. Note: If the agency is sending records that have different record series  a separate Microfilm Request Form must be completed for each individual record series.
  • The columns labeled Owner Box Number, Box Barcode, Box Info, From Date and To Date:  enter the corresponding information from the SMART system for each box being sent for filming.
  • The Submitted By field: enter the name of the individual completing the form.
  • The Date Submitted field: enter the date the boxes and the form are sent to the Division of Records Management

If you have any questions about how to prepare your documents for filming please visit our website at for a complete set of instructions.

The Microfilm Request form is a fillable PDF and is located on the Instructions link of the records tracking system.