




Eastern Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)


The nut produced by the eastern black walnut tree became Missouri’s official state tree nut in 1990. Missouri is the largest producer of black walnuts in the U.S. The nut has a variety of uses. Its meat is used in ice cream, baked goods and candies. The shell provides the gritty abrasive used in metal cleaning and polishing, a sealant for oil well drilling, an additive to paint products and as filler in dynamite.


Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo)

§10.100.  State tree nut – black walnut. – The nut produced by the black walnut tree (Juglans nigra) known as the “Eastern Black Walnut”, is selected for and shall be known as the official tree nut of the state of Missouri. (L. 1990 S.B. 749)

approved 09 July 1990
effective 28 August 1990


Photo Gallery:

Click on an image below to enlarge and read a caption. This will open a new window in the Missouri State Symbols Flickr album.

symbols/RG104_TourismC_199_41338.jpg symbols/RG103_042_4130.jpg symbols/RG104_CIDNegs_008_020.jpg


Additional Resources:

Visit the USDA’s Census of Agriculture Historical Archive online here.

View Missouri Department of Agriculture annual reports online through Missouri Digital Heritage here.

The Department of Agriculture State Documents Collection at the Archives contains a publication on the nutritive value of black walnuts.


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